City Beach Shower Facilities Adjusted for Area Management
Town of Cambridge 27 Sep 2024
City Beach Shower Facilities Adjusted for Area Management

Published on 27 September 2024

The Town of Cambridge will turn off the hot water in the public showers at City Beach from Monday, 30 September 2024, as part of efforts to address illegal camping in the area. Showers will remain operational with cold water only.

Illegal camping has resulted in increased rubbish in bins, litter and greater use of public facilities, including showers and toilets. The Town is addressing the issue through several measures, including daily rubbish collection, the addition of 660-litre bins ahead of summer, and regular monitoring by Rangers, including review of CCTV footage, who are issuing infringements under relevant local laws where applicable.

These measures aim to keep City Beach clean and safe for all beachgoers.