Published: 15 October 2024
From Campaigners to Civic Leaders – Your Elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor

The newly elected have been officially sworn into office, introducing the newly elected Mayor Cr Susannah Pearse with Cr Wayne Tighe as the Deputy Mayor for a two year period in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

General Manager Kelvin Tytherleigh welcomed the Mayor and Councillors.

“On behalf of the staff of Moree Plains Shire Council, I congratulate the newly elected Councillors the operational team and I will work with you so together we provide the best possible outcomes over the coming four year term,” he said.

Bringing a diverse range of skills, perspectives, and passion to the table, the elected members of the new Moree Plains Shire Council are seated as 6 female representatives and 3 male representatives. Focusing on various issues, with a joint focus, on delivering a solutions-based approach for the entire Shire, including economic development, infrastructure improvements, and community engagement.

The Moree Plains Shire Council Councillors are represented by returning Councillors amongst some first-time Councillors. We congratulate the following elected candidates who will represent the Moree Plains Shire as Councillors for the 2024 – 2028 term.

Councillor Kerry Cassells, Councillor Dominique Hodgkinson, Councillor Kelly James, Councillor Peter Mailler, Councillor Frederick McGrady, Councillor Susannah Pearse, Councillor Brooke Sauer, Councillor Wayne Tighe and Councillor Debra Williams into a role that will shape the community now and into the future.

The people of the Plains took to the polling booth on 14 September 2024.

 Photo - Deputy Mayor Wayne Tighe and Mayor Susannah Pearse