We asked for your feedback and more than 10,000 of you responded.

The findings from the 2024 Our Cairns Survey are in and there's plenty of information for Council to consider.

A record 10,518 responses were received by Council for the 2024 Our Cairns Survey, between 16 July and 2 September, which compared favourably to the 6,786 responses to the 2020 Our Cairns Survey and 6,400 replies in 2016.

We heard from a broad cross-section of our community, with a great distribution of responses across men (42%) and women (55%), a relatively even split across the age groups (roughly about 20% in each category from under 35s to over 65s), and geography.

This year’s survey provided valuable feedback and views on a range of topics, including topical issues such as adding fluoride to the city's drinking water and introducing an additional bin for green waste, to suburban safety patrols and higher charges for Airbnb properties.

On the topic of adding fluoride to the city’s water supply, 48% of respondents were in favour, 37% opposed and 14% neutral or unsure.

When compared to the 2016 Our Cairns findings – when Council previously asked the same question – there were significant decreases in both “strongly oppose” and “strongly support” responses, but the overall findings were virtually unchanged (48% supportive and 39% opposed).

Respondents were in favour of the introduction of an additional green bin (60%), somewhat lower than the 67% of respondents in favour in 2016.

Of those in favour, 41% were unwilling to pay for the service.

Cairns Mayor Amy Eden thanked the community for their input, with the information to help guide Council’s future decisions.

“We’re blown away by the incredible turnout,” Cr Eden said.

“A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts.

“We’re listening to you, and your feedback will be invaluable in helping us make decisions about the future of the city over coming years.

“Alongside future community consultations and budget deliberations, the Our Cairns findings will guide us in providing the services you want and a city you are proud to call home.”

Residents were asked how useful they thought Council’s CitySafe security patrols were in reducing anti-social behaviour in the CBD – 43% felt they were not effective, 32% effective, and the rest were unsure.

People were also asked about public safety patrols in suburbs, with only 13% of respondents indicating the patrols made them feel safer in their neighbourhood, 33% who said they did not, while two in five people were not aware they existed.

In relation to land use, residents were evenly split on increased rates for underutilised land in developed areas (41% for and 42% against) and higher charges for short term accommodation (49% supportive and 51% opposed).

Only one in four respondents supported the introduction of an environmental levy, with 56% opposed, including 41% who indicated they were strongly opposed.

Half of respondents were in favoured of the Esplanade Dining Precinct becoming a shared zone, with 35% opposed and 15% unsure.

See the full Our Cairns findings