The current Alcohol Free Zones in the Lithgow, Portland and Wallerawang CBD’s will lapse on 26 April 2025.
This draft proposal is to consult on re-establishing the zones for a further 4 years until 26 April 2029.
Under Section 644 of the Local Government Act 1993, alcohol free zones create a prohibition from consuming alcohol on the street, footpaths or public carparks within the zone. It does not prohibit people from carrying unopened alcohol from one location to another eg to home or a restaurant, nor does it prohibit consumption of alcohol in approved outdoor dining areas.
Benefits of Alcohol Free Zones
The aims of the alcohol free zones include:
Reducing the incidence of alcohol related crime in areas bordering on, adjoining or adjacent to licensed premises in Lithgow CBD. Reducing the amount of related litter in these areas. Providing a safe environment for users of local streets, footpaths and public carparks without hindrance from people irresponsibly drinking alcohol.Affected Areas
The public areas included in this proposal are unchanged from those in the existing Alcohol Free Zone and include the following:
Main Street (from Bridge Street to Laurence Street) Main Street Lane and Burns Lane between Bridge Street and Bank Lane) Tank Street (from Bridge Street to Read Avenue) Bridge Street (from Tank Street to Main Street Lane) Railway Parade (from Tank Street to Sandford Avenue and including Gray and Station Streets.) Eskbank Street (from Mort Street to Railway Parade) Cook Street Plaza Bank Lane Tatts Lane Collins Laneway Exchange Walkway Bank Street between Main Street and Gray Street. Mort Street between Bridge and Lithgow Streets Bridge Street between Mort Street and Main Street Lane Cook Street between Mort Street and Main Street Lane Eskbank carpark Burns Lane carpark Bank Lane between Mort Street and Main Street Lane Naomi Street Lithgow Street between Mort Street and Main Street.Portland
The public areas included in this proposal are unchanged from those in the existing Alcohol Free Zone and include the following:
Williwa Street from Lett Street to Saville Street. Lett Street from Vale Street to Williwa Street Scheidel Lane Cox Street from Villiers Street to Vale Street. Vale Street from Lett Street to Wolgan Street Wolgan Street from Villiers Street to Williwa Street. Villiers Street from Lett Street to Wolgan Street Wallerawang Road from Cullen Street to Wolgan Street Cullen Street from Wallerawang Road to Williwa Street WallerawangThe public areas included in this proposal are unchanged from those in the existing Alcohol Free Zone and include the following:
Main Street between Pipers Flat Road (railway crossing bridge) and the Royal Hotel including Daintree Lane, Blackberry Lane and Doggett Lane.Refer to the attached maps for details.
Time frame
The Alcohol Free Zones will operate for a period of 4 years once Council resolves to establish them and following a short public notice period.
Police Officers will be responsible for enforcing the alcohol free zones.
Under Section 642 of the Local Government Act 1993, a police officer may seize any alcohol that is in the immediate possession of a person in an alcohol free zone if:
The person is drinking the alcohol in the alcohol free zone, or The officer has reasonable cause to believe that the person is about to drink, or has recently been drinking in the alcohol free zone.There is no requirement for the police to first issue a warning.
Council is required under Section 644A of the Local Government Act 1993 to undertake a public consultation process prior to re-establishing the zone. This process involves:
▪ Publishing a notice of the proposal inviting representations from the community.
▪ Sending a copy of the proposal to the Officer in Charge of Lithgow Police Station and all liquor license holders and secretaries of registered clubs whose premises border on, adjoin or are adjacent to the proposed zone.
▪ Inviting representations on the proposal from local indigenous organisations.
▪ A period of 30 days is given for representations to be made.
Declaration of the Zone
Under Section 644B of the Local Government Act 1993:
▪ Once Council receives public comment on this draft proposal, Council may by resolution, adopt this proposal (with or without modification). Council will then inform all interested parties including the Police, liquor licensees and the general community that the proposal has been adopted.
▪ A notice will be placed in local newspapers declaring that the zone has been established and the period it has been established for. The proposal will come into effect 7 days after this notice is published and once all signposts bordering the zone are in place.
Submissions on this Proposal
People are invited to make written submissions, objections or representations on this draft proposal, a copy of which is available from:
Council’s Administration Centre, 180 Mort Street Lithgow8.30am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.
Lithgow Library Learning Centre, 157 Main Street Lithgow9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to midday Saturday.
Lithgow Council website council.lithgow.comAll submissions, objections or representations are to be to be received by Friday 31 January 2025 by mail to Lithgow City Council PO Box 19 Lithgow NSW 2790 or email [email protected]
For further information on this proposal, contact Matthew Johnson, Manager Community and Culture on 6354 9999.