Wollondilly Shire Council has put its support behind the Western Sydney Dialogue group campaign to delay the potential extension of the Metro West rail line to the inner city and focus instead on building missing connections to Sydney’s south-west and north-west areas in the 2030s.
Mayor Matt Gould said that Wollondilly had been calling for this important rail connection for many years, strongly supported by the eight Councils of The Parks - Sydney’s Western Parkland Councils and particularly the Mayors of Camden and Campbelltown.
“For Wollondilly, the top priority is a connection from Bradfield and the new Western Sydney Airport to Macarthur via Oran Park, as part of the South North Rail that is a commitment and prerequisite of the agreement to the new Airport.”
“It’s critical that the full connection to Macarthur is delivered as a priority.”
“We also strongly support the upgrade of the Southern Highlands Line from Campbelltown to at least Maldon to a city rail service and the connection of the new Airport to Port Kembla using the Maldon-Dombarton Line as the ‘Macarthur-Kembla Link’.”
“We see these critical links as a very important step in helping our residents and families access public transport and connect to the new airport, so that they can realise its true benefits, and to be connected as a region to the broader metropolitan area.”
“Without these links, it will still be quicker for Wollondilly residents to access Sydney airport, rather than the brand new $5.2B airport being built right next door,” he said.
All eight Councils that form the Parks – Sydney’s Western Parkland Councils have advocated clearly that the South North Rail is the highest priority, with the region firm that Stage 1 be from Bradfield to Macarthur, followed by the extension to Tallawong.
The link from Macarthur to Tallawong was committed to in the Cities Deal and the eight Parks Councils agree it must be pursued by Government, collectively calling for Stage 1 to be delivered in the upcoming federal election.
Mayor Gould added, “We support the Dialogue’s advocacy for Western Sydney including those items that will benefit Wollondilly residents such as the Macarthur to Kembla link (Maldon Dumbarton Line), electrification of the Southern Highlands Line, and linking the Orbital Stage 2 to key roads such as Picton Road, Appin Road and Spring Farm.”
“Our Council has been strong in its advocacy, joining with partners from the NGAA, Business Western Sydney, South West Alliance, as well as our calls to government through submissions to NSW Budgets and through dialogue with our local State and Federal Members.”
“We are calling for these critical infrastructure upgrades for the benefit of Wollondilly residents now and into the future, but also for the benefit of the broader south west region, the Illawarra Shoalhaven and the Parks.”
Image - at today's Western Sydney Dialogue group campaign launch