As part of its commitment to sustainability, Council has endorsed a masterplan to guide the development of the Neerabup Resource Recovery Precinct to meet the City’s long-term waste management needs.

Under the plan, the precinct will include fit-for-purpose facilities to manage recyclables, organics and residual waste from the City of Wanneroo and its neighbouring suburbs.

The priority projects have been identified as a waste transfer station, material recovery facility, community recycling centre and waste-to-energy facility.

Mayor Linda Aitken said the approved plan was an exciting step forward as the Neerabup Resource Recovery Precinct plays a crucial role in futureproofing the City’s waste management practices.

“We now have a clear a roadmap to help us address the lack of waste recovery infrastructure in the northern corridor, while providing a solution to increase recycling, reduce transport costs and emissions, and generate local jobs,” she said.

“The precinct will not only benefit our City, but our neighbours in the north too, as we share in an increasing focus on resource recovery and sustainability.”

Mayor Aitken added that funding the development of the Neerabup Resource Recovery Precinct remains a priority for sustainability under the City’s advocacy agenda and will align with the City’s renewed Waste Plan for 2026-2030.

“It’s more important than ever that we create long-term waste management solutions that benefit both the environment and our local community,” she said.

“We still a have a long way to go, but the new masterplan shows we are making exciting moves towards a more sustainable waste management future.”

In the interim, existing infrastructure in Wangara will be redeveloped into a waste transfer station to reduce transportation costs in the north, with construction earmarked for 2025.

Read more about the Neerabup Resource Recovery Precinct on our website.

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