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Map depicting location of completed and remaining works. Click for an enlargement.

We are pleased to confirm that construction has now re-commenced on the new drainage system on Drummond Road.  Works have progressed north along Drummond Road and are now approaching the intersection of Drummond Road and New Dookie Road.

Council advises that works at the intersection of Drummond Road and New Dookie Road involve construction of pits and pipes within the traffic island and the left hand turn lane into Drummond Road from New Dookie Road.  As a result, altered traffic management arrangements must be put in place for the duration of these works.

Please note the following traffic management changes which are expected to be implemented the week commencing Monday 13 January for a period of approximately five days, weather permitting:

The northbound lane on Drummond Road will remain closed to traffic until works are completed at the intersection of Drummond Road and New Dookie Road. Semi-trailers and B-double articulated vehicles travelling west on New Dookie Road will NOT be able to turn left into Drummond Road. Semi-trailers and B-double articulated vehicles travelling east on New Dookie Road WILL be able to turn right into Drummond Road under traffic management. It is recommended that Semi-trailers and B-double articulated vehicles wishing to access Drummond Road consider entering New Dookie Road via Wheeler Street so they are travelling east and able to turn right into Drummond Road from New Dookie Road under traffic management. Light trucks and cars travelling in either direction on New Dookie Road WILL be able to enter New Dookie Road.

Refer image below to explain the temporary change to traffic movements:

Upon completion of works at the intersection of New Dookie Road and Drummond Road, work will progress into the southern road reserve on New Dookie Road.  These works will be completed under traffic management including traffic controllers as required, with delays to be expected.

Access to businesses within the vicinity of the works will be maintained throughout the construction period.

Works will take place in accordance with EPA regulations between the hours of 7am and up to 8pm, Monday to Friday.

Works are programmed for completion by the end of January 2025, weather permitting.

For further information, visit the project page, contact the Project Manager on 0428 949 501, or email [email protected]

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