Community feedback is invited on a proposed lease at 775 Five Mile Road, Pakenham requested by its current tenant, Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria (RDAV).
Council is considering RDAV’s request to grant a new 20-year lease at the site to enable their continued discussions with funding partners and support planned future developments at the site.
RDVA is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers that provides experiences in equestrian activities for people living with a disability.
Community engagement is undertaken on proposed leases of Council-owned land for a period of 5 or more years, in accordance with Council’s Lease and Licence Policy and Community Engagement Policy.
Council is inviting feedback from community members and relevant stakeholders on whether a new 20-year lease is granted to its current tenants. Submissions are welcomed via Creating Cardinia.
This consultation opportunity will close on 9 February 2025.