Council to consult community on future plans for Capalaba land
Redland City Council 23 Jan 2025

The Redlands Coast community will soon be invited to have their say on draft land use proposals for the Jones Road to Old Cleveland Road Local Area Plan.

Mayor Jos Mitchell said the community would be consulted on two draft change scenarios that demonstrated how growth in the area could be realised over time.

“Noting the significance of the site and its status as a ‘high priority location’ for growth, Council resolved at its General Meeting this week (22 January 2025) to undertake non-statutory consultation that will help shape the future of the area,” the Mayor said.

“This is preliminary consultation on draft land use proposals only and is one of the first steps in the development of a Local Area Plan (LAP) for the site, building on earlier conversations with key stakeholders and businesses in the subject area.

“The plan will be developed in line with Council’s LAP framework to provide a clear direction for future growth in the area taking into account zoning configurations, access and movement arrangements, urban design outcomes and future infrastructure upgrade requirements.”

The Mayor said one of the main purposes of the LAP initiative was to identify opportunities for growth and consolidation in locations that were well serviced by or in proximity to existing infrastructure, public amenities, services, employment, and lifestyle opportunities.

“Like many neighbouring cities, Redlands Coast has 66,000 dwellings with an average household density of fewer than 2.5 people, predominantly in larger 4–5 bedroom homes,” the Mayor said.

“Our city must identify and promote opportunities for greater housing diversity and increased density consistent with the objectives identified in the Queensland Government’s Redland Housing Strategy 2024–2046.

“All proposed growth in the Jones Road area will happen over time and in a manner that respects and compliments the character of the surrounding neighbourhood.

“It is also important to note that this is a vision for the future and the existing property rights within the site are safeguarded under Queensland planning legislation.”

The site is positioned 200 m from the Capalaba principal activity zone and currently contains a mix of low-to-medium density housing, commercial spaces and vacant land.

It is located to the south of the planned Birkdale Community Precinct and is close to the existing open space network, which includes John Fredericks Park.

Division 8 Councillor Tracey Huges said the community’s input would help shape a shared vision for the site.

“We eagerly invite feedback from local residents and the broader community on the Jones Road to Old Cleveland Road Local Area Plan, which we envision as a vital part of our city’s future,” Cr Huges said.

“The growth scenarios provide for lifestyle enhancements – including active pathway extensions with linkages to key sites such as Birkdale Community Precinct – and are intended to inform a potential future amendment to City Plan to allow for increased residential dwelling capacity and diversity.

“Council has formulated ‘high’ and ‘medium’ change scenarios to facilitate discussions with the community about potential future land uses and development opportunities in the area.

“Feedback from the community during this preliminary consultation stage will inform the development of the draft LAP, which will go out for a second round of public consultation before being considered for adoption at a future meeting of Council.”

Public engagement activities are scheduled to begin toward the end of February or early March. In due course, Council will inform key stakeholders within the study area and the broader community about this through multiple communication channels, including Council’s website and social media platforms.