Published on 24 January 2025
Twelve Colac Otway residents were welcomed as Australian Citizens during a special ceremony in Colac this week.
People from Norway, the United States, Taiwan, Uganda, The Netherlands, Sri Lanka and The Philippines took the citizenship pledge on Thursday 23 January at Colac Otway Performing Arts and Cultural Centre (COPACC).
The new citizens ranged in age from 6 to 50 and included families and individuals.
Catering for the day followed an Australian theme, with special delights including lamingtons, Pavlova, fruit arranged in the shape of an Australian flag and Vegemite on Savoys served.
CEO Anne Howard said Council was proud to host citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.
“We’re honoured that these 12 people have chosen to make Colac Otway their home and we had a lovely morning celebrating their citizenship with them,” Ms Howard said.
“New citizens bring different cultural perspectives, enriching the local culture and sharing their skills and knowledge with us. It shows what a thriving and vibrant place Colac Otway is,” she said.
“Citizenship ceremonies are a highlight of the year, and they are a great opportunity for us to reflect on what being an Australian citizen means to us, our shared values and our hopes for the future.”
Colac Otway Shire Council expects to host three citizenship ceremonies in the year. The other two ceremonies will be on 22 May and 17 September 2025.
If you would like to find out how you can become an Australian Citizen, please visit the Department of Home Affairs website at or phone 13 18 80.