Redlands Coast welcomes new citizens
Redland City Council 24 Jan 2025

Redlands Coast officially has 169 new Australian citizens following last night’s local citizenship ceremony.

Mayor Jos Mitchell welcomed the new citizens, who herald from 32 countries, at a ceremony at Ormiston College’s Lingo Lin Performing Arts Theatre.

In her speech at the 23 January event, the Mayor said Redlands Coast was proud of its cultural diversity.

She urged the new citizens to never downplay their heritage, history or culture.

“As these all add to the richness of your new life, and the lives of your fellow Australians,” she said.

“We warmly welcome the uniqueness each of you will bring to the cultural diversity we enjoy on Redlands Coast.”

Council traditionally holds a citizenship ceremony on Australia Day each year but brought the date forward this year because its usual venue, Redland Performing Arts Centre (RPAC), is currently undergoing renovation work.

The change in date is permissible under the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs requirements for Australia Day Citizenship Ceremonies.

Council aims to return Redland City’s citizenship ceremony to RPAC on Australia Day in 2026.

For photos from the ceremony, go to Council’s event gallery.