Council would like to advise Charters Towers residents and the business community that following the failure of the intake at the Weir, Council is unable to make critical repairs needed until the river height drops considerably.

With the current level of the Charters Towers Weir and the daily consumption rate meeting the target required to ensure potable water supply is maintained, Council will now be moving to a Level 4 water restriction (no watering).

This means the Charters Towers community must continue to remain vigilant with water usage, ensuring water is conserved where possible.

Level 4 Water Restriction:

Council’s aim is for the community to maintain a daily target usage of 6 megalitres (ML) to allow the community to remain at a Level 4 water restriction.

Usage for Sunday, 9 February for Charters Towers was 4.2 ML.

Updates will continue to be provided to the community daily.