The much-awaited Tahmoor District Sporting Complex – Phase 2 – Western sporting fields upgrade and carpark has officially been opened with a gathering of government and Council representatives, members from the 355 committee and sportsground users for a ribbon cutting.


Mayor Matt Gould along with The Hon. Mark Buttigieg and Judy Hannan MP, with Deputy Mayor Matthew Deeth, Cr Jacqueline Jenson and Cr Suzy Brandstater, acknowledged the importance of projects such as this as a huge asset to sport and lifestyle for community of Wollondilly. As a district level facility, it will also be able to host larger sporting events.


Mayor Matt Gould said, “Local sport infrastructure plays a critical role in keeping communities healthy, active and connected. I’m really proud to see the development of this and other sporting complexes right across the Shire.”


“I would like to acknowledge the funding we received for this project from NSW Government’s Office of Sport under the Multi Sport Community Facility Fund. Without funding partnerships, we would not see projects like this get off the ground. We are truly grateful for your support.”


“Thank you to the 355 committee who volunteer to coordinate bookings for the entire Complex, which is a huge job. We really appreciate your hard work.”


Minister for Sport, Steve Kamper, said projects like these deliver the best outcomes for the community by providing spaces and facilities that enable everyone to enjoy and participate in sport.


“The NSW Government is committed to helping communities across the state upgrade and improve sporting infrastructure so that it best meets the current and future needs of the community.”


“I look forward to seeing how everyone, from the grassroots and beyond, enjoy these improved sporting fields.”  


The project includes the redevelopment and realignment of the soccer and cricket fields incorporating supporting infrastructure such as irrigation and drainage, floodlighting, fencing, carpark and field resurfacing to align with the Tahmoor District Sporting Complex Masterplan adopted in 2019.