With new forecasts showing an expected increase in school students over the next 10 years in the Wollondilly Shire, the timeline for a new high school has now become urgent.

A Sydney Morning Herald report based on data from Informed Decisions demography company shows a significant increase in the number of students who will be living in the Shire.

The increase is particularly apparent in the Appin and Douglas Park statistical area, which includes both Wilton and Appin Growth areas, where the projected total increase in high school student numbers is 715 over the next six years. The Picton/Tahmoor/Buxton area also projects an increase of 425 students.

Mayor Matt Gould said that this highlights the need for a second high school to be fast tracked, with only one public high school in the entire Wollondilly Shire including the Wilton and Appin growth areas.

The need to provide additional high schools has been part of the commitment linked to the State-led rezoning of land in Appin and Wilton.

Mayor Gould said, “Although most villages have their own primary school, Picton High School is still the only public high school in the whole Wollondilly Shire - and it is functionally at capacity.”

“For years we have flagged that large numbers of our school aged children are forced to leave the Shire to attend school, with many travelling up to an hour each way. This report shows that in the next six years alone the number of additional high school students in the Shire will increase by the same amount as currently attend Picton High.” 

“Locals have been calling for additional high schools for many years, even without the many families moving into Wilton and then Appin. These forecasts show that the government needs to act now to make sure the needs of our future community are met.”

 “I know our local MP Judy Hannan also sees this as a key priority and is advocating strongly for a new high school in the Wollondilly Shire.”