Charters Towers residents and the business community are advised Charters Towers is on a Level 5 water restriction - essential use only: drinking water, only flushing your toilet when necessary, showering (maximum 3 minutes).
The restriction is in place to ensure water supply to the community is maintained while river heights are dropping and temporary restoration works are undertaken for damage caused by the recent flooding event.
What has happened to cause this failure?
• The main intake used to source water is believed to be blocked and this is impacting the ability of the Weir Pump Station to pump water.
• Council is currently unable to access the Weir wall due to the river height to assess the cause of damage. At this stage, it is believed to be significantly blocked by debris.
What is Council doing now?
• Level 5 restrictions were put in place overnight due to the river height dropping and pumping from the Weir is now not possible.
• Restrictions are to ensure water supply is maintained for essential use.
• Council is currently trucking in raw water and treating it at the Water Treatment Plant to supply potable water to the reservoir.
• The river height will need to drop to a safe level for staff to gain access to undertake the temporary restoration works required. Undertaking these works is primarily dependent on the river level dropping further. (See diagram)
• Staff and contractors are prepared and ready to commence the required temporary restoration works as soon as it is safe to do so.
• It is important to note, permanent works to the intake, cannot be completed until the river level drops considerably and is safe to access.
• The restoration works currently underway are only temporary.
Charters Towers residents and the business community are to only use water for:
Level 5 Water Restrictions – Essential Use Only
• Drinking water
• Only flushing the toilet when needed
• Showering (maximum 3 minutes)
Updates will continue to be provided to the community.