February 20, 2025

Council approves funding for pool hoist

An allocation of $21,280 in funding (excluding GST) for a new pool hoist has been approved by Gunnedah Shire Councillors at the February Ordinary Meeting.

Council was approached by a disability carer in April 2024 to upgrade the disability hoist at the Gunnedah Memorial Pool’s indoor pool to a Pelican pool sling hoist. The carer later provided a petition to Council signed by more than 200 people. The petition noted the current hoist was not fit-for-purpose and should be replaced by a sling hoist.

The new hoist will benefit people with disability, the elderly and those requiring injury recovery therapy and will allow single person operation.

Council presents six-monthly progress report

Council’s six-monthly progress report on the Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26 shows Council has successfully delivered a broad range of services and made significant progress on landmark projects in the past six months. In addition to extensive community engagement on the need for a Special Rate Variation, local government elections were held with a new Council elected, and a high level of compliance was achieved in areas including aged care services, planning and regulatory services, roads, public facilities, water and wastewater, waste collection and disposal, governance and finance.

Significant Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement works were undertaken, the small grants program was provided, an upgrade to the Gunnedah Waste Management Facility Deposition Area was completed, the Off Leash Dog Park was opened and work on the Gunnedah Koala Sanctuary and Gunnedah Regional Saleyards Development progressed.

The full report is available attached to the February Council Meeting agenda on www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au

Council considers revaluation of Shire land

Gunnedah Shire Council this week reviewed a report by the NSW Valuer General that showed total land value for all properties had increased 16.34% from $3,586,420,300 to $4,172,434,460 between 1 July 2022 and 18 November 2024.

Council General Manager Eric Groth said this increase in unimproved land valuations would not impact on Council’s total rate income, which does not change because of a revaluation. The way the total is allocated does change based on valuation changes within each rate category.

Council also noted any increase in general rate revenue would be limited to the approved rate peg of 4.7% for the 2025-26 financial year, or any approved Special Rate Variation.

Council supports alternative sewerage plan

Council has supported the preliminary design and investigations associated with a new Intermittent Decanted Extended Aeration Decanted (IDEA) process plant for sewerage treatment.

This will allow Council to pursue grant funding for the design and construction of a new (IDEA) process plant should it be required.

The process plant would provide an alternative option for wastewater treatment that could be necessary in the future, depending on the continuation of current reuse contracts and future methods of discharge of treated effluent.

Council will seek grants for project costs of up to $25 million for an IDEA process plant that, if approved, would be delivered over three-four years.

Submission to Office of Local Government

Gunnedah Shire Council will lodge a submission to the Office of Local Government with concerns about several proposed changes to the Model Code of Meeting Practice.

Council’s key concerns include the impacts of: • The proposed removal of the need to consider resources when determining Notices of Motion, Mayoral Minutes and Amendments; • The ability of Councillors to obtain information and make informed decisions should pre-meeting briefings be removed. • The proposed removal of restrictions on asking questions with notice that imply complaints or alleged wrongdoing by staff. • Proposed restrictions on the ability of Councillors and staff to attend meetings by audio-visual link. • Proposed shifting of responsibility for determining staff attendance at meetings to Council and not the General Manager; and • The proposed removal of foreshadowed motions.

Submissions on the Model Meeting Code Amendments are due to the Office of Local Government by 28 February 2025.

Conflict of Interest Policy on exhibition

Gunnedah Shire Council’s draft Conflict of Interest Policy is now on public exhibition.

The policy has been developed to provide guidance on identifying, disclosing, managing, recording, and resolving conflicts of interest. It is applicable to all Council Officials, including Council officers, administrators, members of staff, contractors, and delegates.

The policy is available on Council’s website www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au and feedback will be accepted for 28 days, closing at 5pm on Friday, March 21, 2025.

Burial Rights fees and charges change on exhibition

Following advice from the Australian Taxation Office, a change to Gunnedah Shire Council’s fees and charges schedule relating to burial rights is on public exhibition.

The amendments show GST is not payable on burial rights fees.

The amended fees and charges are available to view on Council’s website www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au and feedback will be accepted for 28 days, closing at 5pm on Friday, March 21, 2025.

Caption: The Off-Lease Dog Park was one of the projects completed in the past six months and included in the six-monthly progress report on the Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26.


For more information, contact Gunnedah Shire Council’s Communications team on (02) 6740 2100 or [email protected].