Have your say on Council's draft Asset Naming policy

Published on 25 February 2025

Residents are encouraged to have their say on the document which outlines the process Gannawarra Shire Council uses to select, approve or assign names for roads, features and localities within the municipality.

Councillors moved a recommendation at the February 2025 meeting to seek community feedback regarding the revised version of Council’s Asset Naming policy, which feedback accepted up to 5pm Sunday, 23 March.

“As seen by engagement initiatives which led to the naming of Cedar Lane at Kerang and Norma Way at Quambatook, there is a desire in our communities to recognise community champions, fauna and flora when naming unnamed roads, lanes or features,” Mayor Garner Smith said.

“The revised version of the Asset Naming policy ensures Council staff use relevant State Government guidelines when assessing requests to name new assets, including engaging with the community. This is important as it ensures naming practices are inclusive, culturally respectful and reflect the municipality’s values and history.”

Residents can provide feedback on the draft policy before 5pm Sunday, 23 March in the following ways:

By completing an online form, available by clicking on the Draft Asset Naming Policy heading at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay. By picking up a Have Your Say form from Council’s Customer Service Centres at Cohuna and Kerang and completing your form by the due date. By emailing [email protected]. By mailing Gannawarra Shire Council at PO Box 287, Kerang VIC 3579.

“All feedback received will assist with the development of the final version of Council’s Asset Naming policy, which will be presented to Council for consideration at a later date,” Mayor Smith said.