Council to implement incontinence product disposal bins trial

Published on 26 February 2025

Gannawarra Shire Council will soon join a select group of municipalities across Australia that feature incontinence product disposal bins in its accessible public toilets.

Following a recommendation approved at its February 2025 Council meeting, Council will undertake a three-month trial involving the placement of incontinence product disposal bins at nine locations across the municipality.

“Incontinence is a major health issue, with the Continence Foundation of Australia reporting that over five million Australians aged 15 years or over experience bladder or bowel control problems,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“For many people, wearing incontinence pads and/or underwear is a daily part of life, however disposing of these items once used in public is a concern when there are no locations available locally.

“This trial will provide peace of mind for our residents and visitors who live with incontinence and builds on Council’s commitment to make the Gannawarra an inclusive place for all.”

As part of the trial, incontinence product disposal bins will be placed in an accessible public toilet block at the following locations:

Cohuna: Apex Park, Gateway to Gannawarra Visitor Centre and Cohuna Ski Run. Kerang: Atkinson Park, Kerang Memorial Hall, Patchell Plaza and Scoresby Street public space. Koondrook: Koondrook All Abilities Playground. Leitchville: Leitchville Swimming Pool.

“A report regarding the trial, its impact and appropriate budget allocation will be presented to Council following the trial to determine the future of this service,” Mr Rollinson said.

ABOVE: Incontinence product disposal bins will be placed at nine locations as part of a three-month trial, including at Kerang's Atkinson Park toilets.