Wollondilly Shire Council will not lose any momentum in the implementation of the Dudley Chesham Sportsground Master Plan, with the next stage of the plan discussed and prioritised at Tuesday night’s meeting.


Council has endorsed the staging and sequencing plan for the Dudley Chesham Sportsground Master Plan and approved the allocation of Developer Contributions funding towards the completion of the Dudley Chesham Amenities Building and the next steps in the Master Plan this year.


The Master Plan was adopted in 2019 and has enabled Council to successfully apply for various external grant funding opportunities that have brought to life items in the plan including the all-abilities playground, the multi-purpose amenities building which is nearing completion, and the upgrade of the cricket practice nets which are in the planning stage.


At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council addressed the allocation of funding towards the completion of the Amenities Building, including the demolition of redundant buildings and the formalisation of carparking.


Further priority works will be completed in future financial years with developer contributions funding allocation for a multipurpose court and the upgrade of floodlighting of the rugby league fields and an outline of future proposed works, as well as projects for the Oaks Pony Club.


Deputy Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “I am excited to see work on this impressive facility continue through the Master Plan process.”


“It is a wonderful sporting facility for the community and visitors to the Wollondilly Shire, and something we can all be proud of.”


“This continues the great work already underway and will enable us to deliver the next stages of the Master Plan in coming years, including the upgrade of the tennis or netball courts to multi-purpose, the main carpark, cricket pitch and junior rugby league oval, including lighting.”


Future priorities for funding include: $250,000 to complete the construction of the amenities building; $50,000 to implement the demolition of the old toilets and changeroom building, including retrofit of existing canteen to storage; $225,000 for the design of the primary formed car park, lighting and internal sealed road.


Council will consider the inclusion of funding from Developer Contributions in the upcoming Capital Works Program for the delivery of the further works for the Master Plan as outlined in the staging and sequencing plan, with works to be brought forward as resourcing allows.