Over 7,000 tonnes of recyclables end up in landfill yearlyResidents urged to use yellow lid recycling bins correctlyRecycling reduces landfill costs and protects the environment Recycling efforts more crucial after ARRF fire

Cairns residents are being urged to recycle correctly following a fire at the Bedminster Advanced Resource Recovery Facility (ARRF) last month.

The ARRF previously sorted non-organic materials and composted organic waste for horticulture. With the facility out of operation, more waste is being trucked to Springmount landfill near Mareeba.

The increased landfill burden highlights the need for better recycling practices. Currently, 14% of landfill material could have been recycled. Over 7,000 tonnes of recyclable materials—such as cans, bottles, cardboard, and hard plastic containers—end up in landfill each year due to incorrect bin usage.

It’s wasteful, costly and bad for the environment.

Fully operational MRF ready to handle recyclables

Cairns Mayor Eden emphasised that Cairns’ Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) is fully operational and capable of processing recyclables placed in the yellow lid bin.

“Recycling is a practical and simple way that residents can help to reduce the amount of trucks being sent up the Kuranda Range Road to dispose of waste at the Springmount landfill,” Mayor Eden said.

The Council’s Keep Recycling Out of Waste and Recycle Right initiatives aim to improve recycling habits and protect the region’s natural heritage. Residents are encouraged to download the free Recycle Mate app for recycling guidance.

Small changes, big impact

Mayor Eden stressed that collective action makes a significant difference.

“Small changes by individuals can lead to big environmental benefits,” she said.

“By taking the time to place recyclables in the yellow lid bin, we’re not only reducing landfill but also conserving resources and energy for future generations. Every can, bottle, and container counts.”

The Council aims to divert at least 3,500 tonnes of recyclables annually from landfill to yellow lid recycling bins.