Overview of Planning Proposal 

City of Parramatta Council is publicly exhibiting a Planning Proposal for land at 38-50 South Street, Rydalmere. The site contains existing industrial warehouses and is known as the Metro Centre. Within the site is a local heritage item (#694), identified as ‘Truganini House and grounds’.

For more information, please visit Council’s community engagement portal, Participate Parramatta.

Changes to Planning Controls

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) as follows:

Reduce the heritage curtilage that currently applies to the entire industrial site to better relate to the subject heritage item and its setting; Change the item name from ‘Truganini House and grounds’ to ‘Truganini House and riverfront setting’; and Change the property description from ‘Lot 10, DP 774181’ to ‘Part of Lot 10, DP 774181’.

The proposed changes will better reflect the extent of heritage significance applying to the established industrial site, protecting the item and its setting down to the river. No intensification of the site nor changes to other planning controls are proposed. This Planning Proposal does not include a Planning Agreement given that no intensification or increased density is proposed that might result in the need for additional supporting infrastructure.

For more information, please visit Council’s Participate Parramatta website.

Making a submission:

There are a number of ways that you can have a say on this Planning Proposal. Council is now inviting formal submissions of feedback for the exhibition of the Planning Proposal.

Online submission form Email: Written comments can be emailed to [email protected] (please quote “RZ/2/2024 - Public Exhibition of 38-50 South Street, Rydalmere” in the subject line). Post:City of Parramatta CouncilAttn: Chloe Ho – Major Projects & PrecinctsSubject: RZ/2/2024 - Public Exhibition of 38-50 South Street, RydalmerePO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124Please ensure that you clearly state your full name, contact details and address.  Verbal: Please note that the verbal submission option is being offered for those who cannot provide or may find it difficult to provide a written submission.Click for verbal submission

Submissions are welcome until 5pm on Monday, 24 March 2025.