Proposed Development Low Cost Camping
Paroo Shire Council 4 Mar 2025
Have Your Say Proposed Development Low Cost Camping Key things to remember in preparing a submission Ensure your view is clear

Your submission may support or object to all or part of the development proposal. For example, you may wish to express support for the amount of landscaping proposed as part of a development but object to the location of car parking. To assist the assessment manager in understanding your views, your submission should include any relevant supporting evidence or documentation.

Ensure it is on topic

Your submission should state why you support or object to all or part of the development proposal. Focus on how well you believe the development proposal meets the planning scheme’s intentions. The Planning Act 2016 does not allow consideration of personal circumstances (for example a concern that the development proposal will devalue a property). Matters raised should relate to what is in the public interest.

Ensure it is valid

The submission must be: • in writing • state the name and address of each person who made the submission • signed by each person who made the submission.

A submission may be written by an individual, be a proforma letter, or be a petition. In all cases the above information must still be included to ensure the submission is ‘properly made’. For submissions signed by more than one person, such as a petition, one contact email or address for the primary submitter must be identified - this will be the person who correspondence is directed to.

Ensure it is made in time

A ‘properly made’ submission must be made to the assessment manager during the ‘public notification period’.