Wollondilly Shire Council will decide the next steps for the Bargo Waste Management Centre, which has reached landfill capacity, as they consider a report at the March meeting recommending the site be closed in June 2025 to allow for the necessary remediation.


The Bargo Waste Management Centre has been operating for over 60 years and has adapted to changing legislative environmental requirements, with Council managing to extend its life a number of times.


In February 2024, Council resolved to maintain waste drop-off services at the site while the planning for the closure and remediation progressed, with funding allocated from the Domestic Waste Reserve for transfer arrangements to ensure continued services while the remediation plan was developed.


With the existing landfill at the end of its operational lifespan, the NSW EPA requires the permanent closure of the site so that the implementation of the remediation works can be done safely.


CEO Ben Taylor said, “Unfortunately the Bargo tip is now full and landfill has reached maximum capacity under NSW EPA requirements. While it has been operating as a waste transfer station for the past year, the report to Council shows that we can’t begin remediation of the site while the transfer station remains open.”


“Should Council decide to adopt the recommendations, the good news is that we have ensured a great ongoing local option at the Remondis Resource Recovery Facility at Wonga Road in Picton, which is a Council site run by a private operator. The Remondis site offers similar services and pricing to those at Bargo.”


“There are a range of other waste disposal options available for Wollondilly residents including the twice yearly clean up service, wood chipping service, community recycling centres and household chemical cleanout events.”


“We are currently investigating other waste disposal opportunities to offset the closure of the facility, such as an increase to number of clean ups per year and expanding the wood chipping events.”


“For those who live at the northern and southern parts of Wollondilly, there are other waste facilities that residents can access outside the Shire including at Spring Farm, Bowral and Mulgoa.”


Council will consider the timing of the required closure of the Bargo Waste Management Centre at the Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 25 March, which will be live streamed through Council’s website.


Extensive consultation has occurred with various stakeholders including the current site operators and the NSW EPA to inform the Landfill Closure Plan.


Consultation with the community was undertaken in 2024 as part of the Domestic Waste Survey which sought broad feedback on Council’s domestic waste service but also included target questions on use of the Bargo Waste Management Centre.