The afternoon marked the return of the Barkly Regional Council-run Australia Day celebrations to the dam after some years being held at Council facilities in town, while Elliott saw a strong turn-out out for the town’s festivities.
It followed a successful Citizenship Ceremony in Council Chambers on Sunday morning, with almost 50 people turning out to see 11 new Australians take the Pledge of Allegiance.
The new citizens hailed from as far afield as India, Nepal and Vietnam, while long-time local community volunteers and leaders also received Australia Day Awards for their contributions across the Barkly.
Barkly Regional Council Mayor Sid Vashist was joined by Barkly MLA Steve Edginton and Australia Day Ambassador Georgina ‘GB’ Bracken to oversee the formal ceremony, which was opened by a Welcome to Country performed by Shalee James and organised by Patta Aboriginal Corporation.
Warumungu Elder Aunty Rosemary Plummer OAM held back a sore throat to give a heartfelt speech about the region’s growing, diverse community, and her desire for all to overcome prejudice and respect and celebrate different cultures.
Out at the dam, new citizens mingled with Traditional Owners, and leaders, while the children enjoyed activities including several Egg N Spoon races, Three-Legged Races and a Colour Fun Run-turned good-humoured ‘colour fight’ afterwards.
Not even Council Chief Executive Officer Chris Kelly was immune from the colours flowing through the air as Council staff also got involved - it is understood his Akubra is still recovering.
Mayor Sid Vashist took to social media to celebrate the day, specifically labelling afternoon an “absolute hit” and thanking all sponsors, volunteers, council staff – and everyone who turned up – in making it is a success.
Unfortunately, a few events including the Tug ‘O’ War, Swim-Run-Swim and Kayak Races were unable to go ahead due to the looming thunderstorm and lightning activity nearby, but local resident Warren Sampson and Warumungu leader Marlene Plummer were still able to serve up some delicious Kangaroo Tails and Damper for those present.
Barkly residents who received Australia Day Awards over the weekend were: Young Citizen of the Year and volunteer firefighter Emma Dupovac; Citizen of the Year and Elliot community Aussie Rules leader Daniel Francis Sandy and Senior Citizen of the Year, Ampilatawatja Elder and Codes 4 Life leader, Frank Holmes.
The Barkly region’s Volunteer of the Year Award winner was jointly shared by the Tennant Creek branch of the Country Women’s Association, highlighting the CWA’s work putting together the booklet: Cyclone Tracy: They Came, They Did What They Could And Then More.
The booklet was released last year on the 50th Anniversary of the cyclone and tells the stories of Barkly residents who helped in the Top End during the recovery and re-building of Darwin after the 1974 cyclone.
Media Enquiries to: Barkly Regional Council Public Relations Officer: Daniel Burdon
E: [email protected] or M: 0409 628 272