Expert sport, nutrition advice at stadium event

Published on 18 March 2025

Corangamite Shire athletes can boost their performance with expert advice at Timboon Stadium’s upcoming open night.

Council Recreation Officer Angelique Cangelis said the evening, on Tuesday March 25, would be valuable for all active people—whether they’re competitive or not—aged from teenagers to adults.

“From 6-7pm, Regional Institute of Sport Director Stuart Canavan will present a session titled ‘How and why I do strength training?’.

“Mr Canavan has 30 years’ experience in physiotherapy, health and high performance, and has assisted athletes from Club to Olympic level with performance program design.

“From 7-8 pm RIS Accredited Dietitian & Sports Dietitian Emily McNeil will speak about 'How to avoid Relative Energy Deficiency in sport (REDs)'. 

“Relative energy deficiency happens when athletes don’t get enough fuel for their daily lives and training. It can affect not only sporting performance but the heart and bones, immunity, and both reproductive and mental health.

“Ms McNeil is an accredited practising dietitian, sports dietitian and credentialed eating disorder dietitian."

The event is free but bookings are essential and can be made by calling Ms Cangelis on 0476 214 205.