Lights, Camera, Action: Join the Corangamite Youth Film Festival!

Published on 20 March 2025

Corangamite Shire Youth Services is excited to announce the launch of the Corangamite Youth Film Festival (CYFF), an incredible opportunity for young people aged 12 – 25 to hone their filmmaking skills and gain valuable experience.

The 2025 theme is “See me here!” Participants are tasked to capture what makes their town special, interesting, or quirky, or share what it’s like to be a young person living there.

Bec Reedman, Coordinator Community Engagement and Development, is calling on young people to submit an expression of interest to be part of the festival.

“This is your chance to show us the world through your eyes.” Ms Reedman said.

“The goal is to create a 5-minute short film. Our Youth Services team will support you with skill development workshops.

“Then we get to celebrate your achievements with a film premiere at the Theatre Royal in Camperdown. Awards will be presented for categories such as Best Acting, Best Scriptwriter, Best Sound Designer, Best Editor and more.

“This festival is a fantastic platform for young people to express their creativity and share their unique stories with the community.”

Jennifer Monk, an award-winning actor, director, writer, producer, and filmmaker, will be hosting the skill development workshops.

Local hospitality students will provide catering for the premiere event. The exact date of the premiere will be announced soon.

Interested young people are invited to submit an expression of interest by Thursday 17 April here.