AlburyCity is seeking feedback from the community to determine if there is support for a half-day or full-day public holiday for the Albury Gold Cup events in 2026 and 2027.
The Albury Gold Cup has enjoyed significant popularity for many years, with the event recognised as one of the premier regional racing carnivals in NSW.
It also provides significant economic benefit for our city, with the 2024 event attracting around 12,500 attendees, generating an estimated $4.21m in economic impact.
AlburyCity is required to make an application to the NSW Government for any local public holidays. Since 1998, Council has endorsed an application for a half-day public holiday for the Albury Gold Cup event following community consultation to gauge support.
Community engagement in 2023 indicated that some people in our community would prefer a full-day public holiday over a half-day public holiday. Therefore, community consultation for the 2026 and 2027 events will feature additional questions around people’s preferences for a half or full day off.
AlburyCity is now inviting community members and businesses to provide their feedback on the public holiday for the 2026 and 2027 events by filling in a short online survey.
This feedback will be included in a report to Council to assist in determining whether to proceed with an application to the NSW Government for the next two years.
AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack encouraged everyone in the community to have their say.
“The Albury Gold Cup has been a significant event on Albury’s calendar since its inception in 1845, with a half-day public holiday being granted since 1998.
“Whether you enjoy going to the event or not, we want to hear from you on how you’d like the day to look.”
The community can have their say on AlburyCity’s Engaging Albury website until 16 April 2025.
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