Don’t mess with Cardinia Shire! Published: 24 March 2025

The community is encouraged to report dumped rubbish on Council-owned land to Cardinia Shire Council. This includes Council parks and reserves, nature strips and local roads.

Dumped rubbish is any household item and building and garden waste that has been disposed of without permission. 

Council investigates all cases of dumped rubbish on council-owned land and has CCTV cameras at rubbish dumping hotspots.  

Cardinia Shire Mayor, Councillor Jack Kowarzik is concerned about the impact of dumped rubbish on our community.  

“When rubbish is dumped in our shire, it ends up in our streets, parks, and waterways. This has negative impacts on our environment and community health.” 

“Managing and removing dumped rubbish unnecessarily costs Council and therefore our ratepayer's money. In the last financial year alone (2023-2024) it cost Council more than $300,000.” 

“Reporting dumped rubbish helps Council investigate these cases, so we can educate and hold responsible the minority of people doing the wrong thing.” 

“Let’s work together to create a cleaner and safer Cardinia Shire!” 

When reporting dumped rubbish to Council, having as much detail as possible helps the investigation. This includes:  

Location, time and place of rubbish dumping  Offender’s physical appearance   Offender’s car (make, model and numberplate)   Types of items that have been dumped. 

Council values community safety and therefore asks the community to not approach anyone dumping rubbish or touch any dumped rubbish.  

For more information on dumped rubbish and how to report it, go to  

For more information on how residents can dispose of household items, go to   

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