Charters Towers residents and the business community are advised that Council has now moved to a Level 1 Water Restriction.

The main intake at the Charters Towers Weir remains offline. Council has a temporary suction line supplying water at a reduced capacity. The weir river level is currently 0.9m above the weir wall.

Level 1 Water Restrictions:

- Micro spray and drip systems fitted with timers can be used from 7pm to 8am on the odds and evens system.

- Sprinklers can be used from 6am to 8am and 7pm to 9pm on the odds and evens system.

- Hand-held hoses, watering cans, and buckets can be used at any time.

- Paved areas can only be cleaned with high-pressure water cleaners.

Facilities Update:

- Waterpark REOPENED

- Standpipes REOPENED

- Saleyards washdown bay REOPENED

- KRMP to remain OPEN

What is the current situation?

- The main intake at the weir is offline due to suspected damage or blockage. A temporary suction line is supplying water at reduced capacity, with the weir river level at 0.9m above the weir wall.

What caused the recent restrictions?

- Heavy rainfall in the Burdekin River catchment raised the weir river level, forcing Council to remove the temporary suction line to prevent damage. The line was restored the next day, and Level 2 restrictions remained over the weekend to help restore full water supply capacity.

What is Council doing to fix the issue?

- Council is in the process of getting systems in place so it can safely work at the weir intake.

- When Council can safely access the weir main intake it will investigate the issue and plan for the restoration work.

- Council is preparing an alternate suction line that should be able to be left in place but require the weir river level to drop further before installing.

- All the above is dependent on weather, river height, and availability of resources to undertake the works.