Rat Planet Studios,165 Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill Friday, April 4, 2025, 6 – 7pm A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Play Reading with surprising alternative endings!This play reading - brought to you by Brisbane Immersive’s very own Xanthe Jones (recipient of Lord Mayor’s Creative Fellowship Fund) - will immerse you in a Sci-Fi world of 1940's WW2 Era with some unexpected surprises. A choose-your-own-adventure experience with different alternative endings!Discover the wonder of Immersive Theatre, influenced by recent international immersive-research drawn from a combination of Australian and European Immersive Theatre Productions.A one-time reading not to be missed! The Lord Mayor's Creative Fellowships are an initiative of Brisbane City Council. Primary event type: Performing arts Event type: Performing arts Age range: Infants and toddlers, Preschool kids, Kids, Teens, Young adults, Adults (30+), Seniors Cost: $5 Age: All ages Bookings: Bookings are required via Humanitix. Bookings required: Yes