Liverpool City Council has this week launched a jobs portal and online marketplace, the latest in a host of digital tools to support businesses and jobseekers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.“Council recognises that many residents and local businesses are facing challenging conditions as they adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mayor Waller said.“We have rolled out a range of measures to support businesses and their employees, including the distribution of $172,000 in grant funding to 50 small businesses, hosting online workshops and a business resilience development program, and developing a local business directory and Shop Local campaign.“This week we’ve unveiled a new jobs portal, which filters vacancies in the Liverpool region by job sector from most of the major employment search engines, making it easier for jobseekers in the Liverpool area to find work close to home.“We’ve also created a Liverpool Marketplace so businesses can establish new partnerships, collaboration opportunities and resolve potential disruptions to supply chains. Businesses can find offers and resources to help grow their business, including materials, technology, manufacturing capacity, storage or locating shared workspaces.”Offers currently available on the Marketplace include a party-hire company renting marquees to assist restaurants, cafes and warehouses adhere to social distancing requirements by making use of outdoor space; and a rideshare delivery service offering commission-free services to local businesses.“As a fast-growing and culturally diverse city, Council is working to empower people, build resilience and support economic recovery,” Mayor Waller said.Businesses are encouraged to visit for up-to-date information on what support is available to them from Council, the NSW and Australian Governments and other organisations.
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