During the extended Covid-19 lockdown, the green thumbs of Wollondilly have had plenty of time to potter in their gardens in preparation for the 2021 Wollondilly Spring Garden Competition.The annual Garden Competition is a popular event on Council’s calendar, bringing together like-minded community members with a passion for gardening.Mayor Robert Khan said, “Wollondilly Council has a long and proud history of conducting the Spring Garden Competition, which was established in 1997.”“We are one of the few local councils still organising and providing a garden competition for our local residents and community.”“This year more than ever, the Spring Garden Competition is a way for our local gardeners to showcase all their hard work and the time they have invested to make our Shire more beautiful.”Entries opened on Monday 19 July and will close on Tuesday 14 September, giving participants extra time to perfect their plots and fill in the entry form, which is available on Council’s website This year’s competition has some exciting changes, such as new prizes including $1000 for the Grand Champion.The first place winner in each category will receive $200; second place in each category will win $100; and there are five judges’ encouragement awards valued at $60.00 each.There are also some new award categories in 2021, with something to suit every age and ability.
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