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Council received a Notice under s175 of the Roads Act from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) on Friday 25 March stating their intent to take control of the land at Cammeray Park to reconstruct the Golf Course in the lead up to the Warringah Freeway Upgrade Project. The letter gave Council one week’s notice of their intention to take control from Friday, 1 April 2022.
This notification was considered as a matter of urgency at the Council meeting on Monday 28 March where the following actions were determined.
1. THAT Council object to the s175 notice – North Sydney Council – Golf Course adjustment works
2. THAT the General Manager be authorised to take all necessary action to implement 1 above including commencing legal action if necessary
3. THAT the confidential document, with the exception of the s175 Notice from Transport for NSW 25 March 2022, tabled on this matter inclusive of legal advice be treated as confidential and remain confidential until Council determines otherwise.
4. THAT for clarity, the letter from Transport for NSW dated 25 March 2022 and its attached Notice of Intention to occupy and use land is not confidential and Council place a copy on its website.
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