This Week at Council - 24 June
Yass Valley Council 24 Jun 2024
This Week at Council - 24 June

Published on 24 June 2024

Community Announcements/Latest News

Stallholders needed for Wee Jasper Public School 125th Anniversary

Wee Jasper Public School are now on the hunt for stallholders to celebrate their 125th Anniversary!

The event will take place on Saturday, 31 August from 10am – 3pm the Wee Jasper Public School.

To join the celebrations and become a stallholder, please contact the school at 6226 9652 or email at [email protected].  

What’s on at the Library:

Wriggle and Rhyme at 10.00am on Wednesday, 26 June Lego Club at 4pm on Thursday, 27 June Mobile Library visits: Gundaroo, Sutton and Murrumbateman on Wednesday, 26 June Wee Jasper on Thursday, 27 June


Works Update:

Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Amenities Building Contractor has completed the building works. Ancillary infrastructure works due for completion in August/September 2024. Wee Jasper Carpark Preliminary works have commenced onsite. Contractor to commence July 2024. Victoria Park Lighting Upgrade Contractor has commenced construction works and will be onsite in June. Completion due September 2024. Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Dog Park The majority of work has now been completed with small areas of concern to be addressed before the park can be opened. Victoria Park Skate Park Line marking works have been postponed due to wet weather.   Road Maintenance Updates: Back Creek Road Bridge – The new bridge is now open to traffic! Demolition of the existing crossing is now underway, this and final tidy up works will take place over the next month. Back Creek Road Sealing - Stage 2 - The team from Lentro Earthworks are progressing well, with the importation of fill well underway. Weather dependent all works are expected to be completed Spring 2024. Greenwood Road Bridge Replacements - Council is currently working through the complicated compulsory land acquisition process to enable us to proceed with the bridge replacements, this has delayed our progress. Our modified plan of delivery is based on proceeding initially with the bridge over Yass River which is currently out for tender; it is expected that the construction work on this will commence late 2024 and be completed by mid-2025. The bridge over Murrumbateman Creek is currently planned to commence mid-2025 and be completed end of 2025. Storm Damage Repair - Council are currently preparing detailed designs for numerous storm damaged sites, the next on the repair program will be some minor landslips and erosion works on Wee Jasper Road to be undertaken next month. Flood Warning System – Investigation & Design - Councils’ consultants are well into the hydrological investigation and associated design works for the proposed integrated flood warning system for Yass Valley. This investigation work is scheduled to be completed mid-2024. Get Active NSW – Pedestrian & Cycling Design – Council have now completed these designs with several now submitted to the highly competitive Road Safety Program Grant. Yass and Bookham Main Street Masterplan – Council have commenced some design work as per the adopted masterplans, this should be completed by mid-2024.

More information about road maintenance and repairs can be found at:


Development Applications:

DA240132 – 19 Mort Lane, Yass Closing Date: 5.00pm Tuesday, 25 June 40m x 18m shed.

DA240151 – 86 Capricorn Place, Springrange Closing Date: 5.00pm Thursday, 27 June Single dwelling to form detached dual occupancy.

DA240149 – 1207 Nanima Road, Nanima Closing Date: 5.00pm Tuesday, 2 July Shed with amenities for cellar door.

DA240148 – 16 Cabernet Way, Murrumbateman Closing Date: 5.00pm Thursday, 4 July Dwelling house. 

DA240137 – 737 Berrebangelo Road, Yass River Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday, 5 July 2 lot rural division.

For more information on DA’s currently on exhibition, please visit: