DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL – PROPOSED alterations and additions to an existing service station including a Store Room, Unisex Amenities and a new fuel canopy, and replace fuel tanks

Council is in receipt of a development application for PROPOSED alterations and additions to an existing service station including a Store Room, Unisex Amenities and a new fuel canopy, and replace fuel tanks at Lot 1 DP 947180 – 325 Main Street LITHGOW NSW 2790

The application and plans are available for public inspection at Council’s Environment & Development Department, in the Council Administration Centre, 180 Mort Street, Lithgow, free of charge, during office hours for a period of 21 days until 15/7/2024 .

During this period any person may inspect the plans and make a written submission on the proposal quoting Council’s file reference, Development Application DA029/24.  All submissions received during this period will be taken into consideration prior to Council’s determination of the application.