At the first Ordinary Council meeting for 2025, Wollondilly Shire Council has adopted a refreshed Community Engagement Strategy for the 2024-2028 term, with a commitment to further engaging with the community as part of its decision-making processes.


As a key element in the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework set out by the NSW Office of Local Government, Council’s Community Engagement Strategy outlines key focus areas and approach to engaging with the Wollondilly community.


The Strategy is reviewed at the start of each Council term, with this version initially developed in 2022 and adopted in November 2022.


In 2024 the Community Engagement Strategy was reviewed within the context of results from the Annual Community Satisfaction Survey, progress on the 2022 Strategy actions, best practice examples and ongoing conversations with the community.


Deputy Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “Our Council is committed to continuing to work together with the community to shape the decisions we make.”


“Input from our community plays an important part in strengthening our projects, plans and programs - from master planning our recreational spaces to guiding the strategic direction for the future of the Shire.”


“While Council’s 2024 Annual Community Survey showed we are headed in the right direction, we want to build on this and continue to invest in the Strategy so we can see even more improvement.”


“I’d like to thank those who took the time to provide feedback during the exhibition period and gave some constructive comments on the Strategy and engagement more broadly.”


“I look forward to hearing more from our community members in the year ahead as we consider a range of perspectives on our future plans and projects.”