When completed, the upgraded Kyogle caravan park will have new sealed internal roads, improved drainage, 25 powered caravan sites complete with water and power outlets, 10 unpowered camping sites, new electrical and potable water services, and a new amenities block.
The site also will be landscaped, with a corridor of native flora planted from the park exit, along the boundary with the recreation grounds and down to Fawcett Creek. The green corridor will feature Flame trees, Coolamon trees, small acacias, melaleucas, Callistemons and native ground covers.
Work completed/underway:
Work to widen entrance and exit of caravan park and increase visibility for traffic exiting recreation ground carpark and caravan park (completed) Extensive civil works to improve drainage, and prepare van sites (completed) Installation of secure 2.1m spear top fence (completed) Installation of water and electricity services – each powered site will have access to a power head and water (underway)Upcoming works include:
Preparations for internal roads – this will start once installation of water and electricity services is complete. Topsoil brought back from storage area to top dress the entire caravan park – topsoil to be seeded and watered in preparation for park re-opening scheduled for July Planting of corridor of native fauna Installation of the new amenities block Sealing of internal roads and carpark.Caravan Park Community Update