The Bargo Waste Management Centre, which has reached landfill capacity under NSW EPA requirements, will be permanently closed after Sunday 8 June 2025 to allow for the necessary remediation of the sit…
The Wollondilly Heritage Planning Proposal (Stage 1) was supported at Tuesday afternoon’s Council meeting, allowing for the amendment of the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to conserve the heritage sig…
Wollondilly Shire Council has adopted an updated Customer Experience Policy following a period of public exhibition, and continues with its whole-of-Council push to embed a high-quality customer exper…
Council enhances safety at Corowa Skate Park and BMX Track Published on 26 March 2025 Federation Council has successfully completed significant upgrades to improve safety and parking arrangements outs…
PUBLIC NOTICE NOMINATIONS FOR THE GUNNEDAH SHIRE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Gunnedah Shire Council is calling for two (2) interested community representatives aged 18 years and over to nominate f…
We are giving away over 1,000 native flowering plants to residents of Cumberland City to help add greenery to homes and make our suburbs an even more beautiful place to live.