Proudly funded by the NSW Government under itsĀ Open Streets program, this enchanting inaugural event promises to be a spectacular celebration of winter, filled with engaging workshops, mesmerising mus…
Council also endorsed a stakeholder engagement plan to guide its consultation with the community and potential users about designs for the proposed facility, slated for Oddies Creek Park.The feasibili…
The project to upgrade the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre has passed a significant milestone, with the awarding of the $14.5 million construction tender this week.After a thorough evaluation process, Al…
The Council has launched a Have Your Say page to garner community ideas for designing the plan with a view to guiding the growth and long-term development of the neighbourhoods along Borellla Rd and a…
The concept design attracted 16 community submissions during its 28-day public exhibition period, with feedback either generally supportive or not directly related to the plan.As a result, there have …