CEO, Deputies to lead council

CEO, Deputies to lead council

As part of a major organisational review, Tracey Squire has been appointed Deputy CEO Business, Growth and Community, and Brad Ferris will take-up the position of Deputy CEO Infrastructure, Planning and Environment.Ms Squire is currently AlburyCity’s Director of Economic Development and Tourism, a position she has held for ten years.Mr Ferris has more than 30 years of local government experience and has been council’s Director of Engineering for the past 11 years.As part of the changes, AlburyCity’s General Manager, Frank Zaknich, will transition to the new role of Chief Executive Officer.Mr Zaknich said the appointment of Ms Squire and Mr Ferris as Deputy CEOs would be pivotal in the development of a more streamlined leadership structure within council.”Our Deputy CEOs will be responsible for high-level overview of their directorates to ensure Council continues to deliver on Albury 2030, the community-driven vision for Albury’s economic, social and environmental future,” he said.”Tracey is a proven strategic leader who brings a high level of business and commercial acumen coupled with community building to her new role while Brad, who is a qualified civil engineer, will continue to provide the strategic direction for infrastructure, development and commercial business related activities across AlburyCity.”AlburyCity Mayor  Kevin Mack said the new senior leadership team would provide high-level strategic focus and support for council and the community.”The transition of the General Manager’s position to CEO will allow for a greater organisational focus on advocacy, strategy, vision and purpose while the appointment of the Deputy CEOS will ensure the diverse functions of Council continue to work together to ensure Albury continues to thrive and grow in line with the hopes and expectations of our community,” he said.”This is a more contemporary and streamlined senior leadership structure that will enhance Council’s abilities to deliver improvements that will make our city an even better place to live, work and invest.”The new structure of a CEO and two Deputy CEOs replaces a former management framework of four Directors reporting to the General Manager.Mr Zaknich paid tribute to long-serving Directors, Michael Keys and James Jenkins, and Acting Director Simona Coad, whose terms will be completed at the end of June.”Their exemplary commitment and significant contribution to the organisation over the many years they have been a part of our senior management team has really been outstanding,” he said.”They are all highly respected and we all wish them every success in their future endeavours.”Mr Zaknich said more than 40 candidates from across Australia applied for the Deputy CEO positions, an endorsement of Albury’s lifestyle and career attractions and a positive reflection of the work that AlburyCity is delivering to the community.All of the new positions will take effect from 1 July 2019.- ends -
AlburyCity News
20 May 2019
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River bank to be restored

River bank to be restored

The works will begin with the removal of weed species such as willows and privet along a stretch of the river between the Union Bridge and Oddies Creek.Removing the weed species and replacing them wit…
AlburyCity News
20 May 2019
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Extra lanes and lights to ease traffic flow at Thurgoona

Extra lanes and lights to ease traffic flow at Thurgoona

Council has resolved to proceed with the installation of the lights as part of long-term plans to meet the demands of a growing community at Thurgoona-Wirlinga.Importantly, the approaches and departur…
AlburyCity News
16 May 2019
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Legal help at the libraries

Legal help at the libraries

The workshops are a collaboration between the State Library of NSW, Legal Aid NSW, Community Legal Centres and NSW Fair Trading.Legal Aid NSW CEO Brendan Thomas said Law Week – from May 13 to May 19 –…
AlburyCity News
13 May 2019
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Wet wipes continue to cause sewer problems

Wet wipes continue to cause sewer problems

The works could cause an unpleasant odour in the area but council teams will minimise any smell by spraying deodorant in the area while the work takes place.Preparations are being conducted this week …
AlburyCity News
9 May 2019
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Rangers provide microchipping at Million Paws Walk

Rangers provide microchipping at Million Paws Walk

Our rangers will microchip dogs and cats for $20, check and update microchip details such as phone numbers, offer educational advice and answer any questions pet owners may have.The RSPCA Million Paws…
AlburyCity News
8 May 2019
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Councils call for fairer funding share

Councils call for fairer funding share

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AlburyCity News
7 May 2019
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Put the brakes on speeding drivers

Put the brakes on speeding drivers

Once again, council and police are joining forces for the “Stop It Or Cop It” campaign, which aims to identify the city’s worst streets for speeding.Residents worried about driver behaviour in their n…
AlburyCity News
7 May 2019
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Funding boost for sports fields

Funding boost for sports fields

The Member for Farrer, Sussan Ley, has announced the government will contribute $250,000 towards the cost $518,000 to enhance Aloysius Park in South Albury, Haydon Park in West Albury and Alexandra Pa…
AlburyCity News
2 May 2019
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