AlburyCity Councillors will consider the outcome of the latest tender for the next stage of the Lavington Sports Ground redevelopment when they meet on Monday night.
Speaking at an historic National Press Club event in Wodonga, Federal Minister for Regional Services, Sport, Local Government and Decentralisation, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said initial funding of $3…
Among the items donated is a clip of recently-discovered film footage showing the original Uiver aircraft with Albury Mayor Alfred Waugh, an Uiver passenger and two crew members at Laverton in Melbour…
The works have started with improvements to parking under the trees on Noreuil Parade, including the development of tree protection areas and line marking.In April, a brick retaining wall will be buil…
In the late 1800s, Albury was one of the biggest producers of wine in Australia.After the German families of Schubach, Frauenfelder and Rau planted their first vines in 1849, the Albury region became …
In a comprehensive survey of his 40-year career, this exhibition presents 50 works including bark paintings, sculptures and etchings that reference stories and significant locations from the artist’s …
The 14-metre long, prefabricated bridge has been placed over the Bungambrawatha Creek, adjacent to the existing road bridge.AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack said the new bridge would replace the narrow foo…
AlburyCity understands the Depan Group entered into voluntary liquidation last Friday, leaving a number of matters and site certifications to be completed.However, these works will be completed on tim…
Council is seeking to appoint a Deputy CEO Business, Growth and Community and a Deputy CEO Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, following a decision in June last year to adopt a more modern and s…