Council meeting and Public Forum to be livestreamed tomorrow 17 August 2021 This week’s Bega Valley Shire Council meeting and Public Forum tomorrow, Wednesday 18 August will be conducted via videoconference and livestreamed, to ensure Council meets the Public Health Order requirements of the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Council services during COVID lockdown 15 August 2021 Bega Valley Shire Council will return to online delivery for non-essential services for the recently announced COVID stay at home order, in line …
Towamba and Burragate roads upgrade Towamba Road 11 August 2021 The first coat of seal on the 25-kilometre upgrade to the Towamba and Burragate roads is almost complete, with guard rails, guideposts a…
New all day carpark opens in Bega The new car park in Auckland Street has 51 car spaces, including four accessible spaces 10 August 2021 Fifty-one new, all-day car parks, including four accessible spa…
Towamba cemetery event kicks off citizen science partnership 6 August 2021 Bega Valley Shire Council has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness to wor…
Council calls for government action to address housing crisis 5 August 2021 Bega Valley Shire Council is calling on the Australian and NSW governments to address the increasing housing crisis across …
Regional Gallery to be redeveloped and expanded 2 August 2021 Bega Valley Shire Council will go out to tender for the Bega Valley Regional Gallery (BRVG) redevelopment and expansion at its current si…
Have your say on options for a flood warning system for Bega and Brogo floodplains Community input is sought on options for a flood warning system for the Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain 30 July 2021…