The local government sector has welcomed a “rock-solid guarantee” that local water utilities will not be privatised if a Liberal-National Government is re-elected in NSW.
Sunday 3 March 2019 between 8 am and 10.40 am Lachlan River Road, from the Lion’s Park car park entry on Oxley Ave, will be closed to all traffic other than competitors for the following distance and …
Council is calling tenders for the construction of 3.0km of new road on Roto Road. The road will be 6m seal on 8m formation following current alignment.
The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) consists of the following 11 Councils; Albury City, Berrigan Shire, Carrathool Shire, Edward River, Federation, Griffith, Hay Shire, Leeton Shire, Mu…