February 7, 2024 Gunnedah Shire is sending 28 young local people off on their education adventure with the support of a Gunnedah Community Scholarship.
February 5, 2024 During the next three months (until the end of April 2024), large-scale maintenance works and pavement reseals will be undertaken as part of Gunnedah Shire Council’s 2023/2024 Roads P…
The playground at Kitchener Park in Gunnedah has received an upgrade to include new play equipment with accessible ramps, an inclusive swing set, new connecting pathways to the amenities block, BBQ an…
On Saturday 27 January 2024, three women were walking two male dogs (on leads) along Beulah Street, Gunnedah when three dogs escaped the yard of a nearby home.
January 30, 2024 As a new group of children join the school community and hundreds of other students return to school, it’s time to ensure we are all driving safely.
The Gunnedah Shire Council recognised the invaluable contributions made by members of the local community at the annual Australia Day Awards ceremony held at the Gunnedah Town Hall on Friday night.
Residents, commercial users, school buses and the travelling public are advised that Bulunbulun Road (at causeway crossing 10.9km from Kamilaroi Highway, Breeza) will be closed to ALL traffic from 29 …