If you were impacted by last year’s floods and had dealings with an insurer, Federal Parliament’s House Standing Committee on Economics wants to hear from you.
Community organisations across the Lismore electorate are being encouraged to apply for funding in the latest round of the Community Building Partnership (CBP) program which opened last week.
Council’s Administration Office will be closed Monday, 2 October, for the Labour Day public holiday and Tuesday, 3 October, for the annual Union Picnic Day.
The new bridges on Chestnut Road and Brown Knob Road are now complete and have been opened to traffic. Makings Bridge on Hootons Road and Comerfords No 2 Bridge on Roseberry Creek Road are almost comp…
The new bridge on Trentys Lane has been opened to traffic, while construction crews continue to work on new bridges on Chestnut, Hootons, Roseberry Creek, Brown Knob and Baileys Bridge roads.
The community will be able to learn all about recycling right at a community information stall Kyogle Council will hold near the front entrance of Ritchies IGA Kyogle on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 f…