Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun has welcomed the announcement by the NSW Government that it will complete the long-awaited metro link to Bankstown.This is great news for Sydney’s south-west and a long overdue announcement, Mayor Mannoun said.“This gives certainty to the people of Sydney’s south-west that they are getting the public transport services they need and deserve,” the mayor said.“What the government now needs to do is provide a shuttle train service from Bankstown to Liverpool to cater to the growing population in our area.”“With Liverpool being Sydney’s third CBD, it is vital this additional measure is provided as soon as the metro is completed.”The Sydney Metro City and South-West offers the Government much-needed urban renewal opportunities along the rail corridor, providing a boost to housing supply, connection to better services and improved amenity for Greater Western Sydney residents.“On behalf of Council I strongly urge the NSW government to continue the planning to extend the metro from Bankstown to Liverpool.”
Liverpool City Council News
1 Aug 2023
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