Liverpool City Council’s Liverpool City Centre Public Domain Master Plan was announced yesterday as a winner of the prestigious Landscape Architecture Award for Urban Design at the 2021 Australian Ins…
The 2168 Children’s Parliament (The Parliament), an important partnership between Liverpool City Council, the NSW Department of Education and Mission Australia-Miller Pathways, will reconvene on Wedne…
Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller has welcomed the awarding to Multiplex of the construction contract for the Western Sydney International Airport terminal, but has urged the global construction giant to d…
Liverpool City Council has received a positive response from its Business Resilience Grants program with the vast majority of recipients indicating the changes they made to their business as a result …
Liverpool City Council is now seeking nominations for the 2021 Order of Liverpool Awards recognising unsung heroes whose contributions have had a measurable, positive impact on the City of Liverpool.T…
Liverpool City Mayor Wendy Waller today welcomed the commencement of construction of Woolworths’ two new distribution centres within the Moorebank Logistics Park.“The distribution centres will create …
Liverpool City Council has reimagined its annual Charity Ball into a Thank You Gala Dinner to acknowledge and commend the efforts of the City’s community organisations and local heroes following a cha…
Liverpool City Council encourages residents to help plant trees in recognition of National Volunteer Week from 17-23 May.People of all ages are invited to help plant trees at the next Community Tree P…