Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller today joined senior representatives from Built to mark the official start of demolition works to progress Liverpool Civic Place.“The mixed-use Liverpool Civic Place development, constructed in partnership between Liverpool City Council and Built, is one of the most significant projects in our city’s history,” Mayor Waller said.“Liverpool Civic Place will anchor and activate the southern end of the Liverpool city centre, providing new public spaces, community facilities and job opportunities for our growing city.An artist's impression of how Liverpool Civic Place will look once complete.“The start of demolition works sends a strong message that Council is getting on with transforming Liverpool into a vibrant and exciting city to improve liveability and encourage further investment to support jobs and economic growth.”Built Managing Director, Brett Mason said the project, designed by leading Australian architects fjmt, will be one of the most significant urban projects undertaken in Western Sydney in the next few years.“As both the development and construction partner, we are looking forward to delivering the first phase of this development jointly with Liverpool City Council and to provide world class public space and community facilities to Liverpool and South-West Sydney,” he said.The public plaza at the future Liverpool Civic Place.“This project will provide job creation and employment training opportunities.
Liverpool City Council News
10 Nov 2020
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