Mosman Junction Upgrade Posted Friday 18 May 2018The major upgrade to Mosman Junction is at the halfway point, with the third of five stages underway on Prince Albert Street.The first two stages are n…
Council has launched a door-to-door transport service for residents who meet certain eligibility criteria, including those aged 65 or over who aren’t able to access existing Community Transport.
Community Information Evening Posted Thursday 03 May 2018Mosman residents and ratepayers are invited to a community information evening on Council’s latest MOSPLAN and budget on Tuesday 8 May at 6pm i…
Mosman Junction upgrade Posted Tuesday 17 April 2018The first stage of a major upgrade to Mosman Junction has begun with construction works on the first of two alfresco dining areas underway.The chang…
Draft MOSPLAN and Budget on view Posted Friday 06 April 2018Council has resolved to place its latest MOSPLAN, including the draft 2018-2028 Community Strategic Plan, 2018-2028 Long Term Financial Plan…
New Local Planning Panel Posted Friday 09 March 2018In 2017, the NSW Government introduced changes to make local planning panels (LPPs), formerly known as independent hearing and assessment panels, ma…