Show your support for action on climate change and nature by switching off for Earth Hour this Saturday, 25 March at 8.30pm.This year’s symbolic switching-off of lights aims to raise awareness of the importance of trees to wildlife, local communities, and people’s mental and physical wellbeing.The Sydney-born event has grown into the world’s largest movement for the environment, with supporters in over 190 countries and territories since its inception in 2007.One in three Australians are expected to take part in the symbolic switching-off lights in support of stronger climate action.We will be switching off the lights at key admin buildings in Manly, Dee Why, Cromer and Mona Vale and we’re also recognising the movement with a few local events including: Free Roadshow drop ins to get tips on handling soaring energy prices - Thu 23 Mar, 10am – 12pm, The Tramshed, Narrabeen and Thu 20 Apr, 10am - 12pm, Mona Vale LibraryA free wildlife friendly workshop to make a possum nest and water pools for wildlife visiting your garden, Sat 25 March, 9 – 11.30am, Coastal Environment CentreA planting day at Curl Curl dunes to help revegetate this important wildlife corridor - Sat 25 March, 1 - 4pmA night walk at Warriewood Wetlands to learn more about our native bats - Fri 31 Mar, 7 - 9pm.
Northern Beaches Council
22 Mar 2023
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